Marriage as a vocation, or a call from God, is a specific way to live out the universal call to holiness received by all Christians in the sacrament of Baptism. As a vocation, marriage has a public dimension in which spouses are called to witness through service in their families, parishes, and communities.
Over the centuries, the Church, led by the Holy Spirit, has reflected on the words of Sacred Scripture and found many insights to describe what God has designed for His people. One fundamental insight into the reality of marriage is that God willed marriage to be a Communion of Persons - a one-flesh union of husband and wife. This vocation of marital communion between persons is the intimate union of a man and a woman, made in God's image, made in love for love, to share love. Married love is thus a reflection of how God loves - a union of the outpouring of the Father to the Son and Spirit. Husband and wife are entrusted with sharing this same self-giving love which is faithful, permanent, and life-giving!