Every parish should maintain a vivid awareness of the need to encourage and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life. In this regard, a vocations committee made up of persons dedicated to keeping the parish informed about ways of supporting the vocation work of the Church can be helpful. The aim of such a committee is to encourage prayer for priestly and religious vocations, and to create an awareness of vocations to the priesthood and religious life through programs and materials.
The Vocations Office is available to assist in the establishing of Parish Vocation Awareness Committees. Please do not hesitate to call us at (361) 882-6191 for further guidance and orientation in the initial setup. We are constantly updating our new Web site with helpful resources in promoting vocations.
See "20 Ways to Promote Vocations in your Parish and School" and "Vocation Awareness Committee Flyer" under "Documents" on the left.
Please Pray for Vocations!